We counsel clients in all aspects of determining and reducing their state income and franchise tax liabilities.We have extensive experience in reviewing and developing ownership structures in order to enhance their tax efficiency. Our attorneys provide frequent guidance on such issues as nexus, apportionment and allocation, and the treatment of net operating losses. We frequently counsel clients on issues involving the state and local taxation of partnerships, limited liability companies and subchapter S corporations.
Sales, Use and Gross Receipts Taxes
Our attorneys counsel clients in all aspects of sales, use and gross receipts taxes. We have experience in identifying and claiming specific exemptions from tax, determining exclusions from tax, application of the tax in corporate reorganizations, acquisitions and dispositions, and application of the tax in specific circumstances such as drop-shipments and service transactions.
Tax Amnesty and Voluntary Disclosure Agreements
We assist clients in determining their exposure for state taxes and work to minimize that exposure through identifying tax amnesty programs and negotiating voluntary disclosure agreements.
Audit Defense and Appeals
We work with clients in identifying issues and defending positions that arise in connection with state and local tax audits. We also have extensive experience in challenging assessments through administrative and judicial appeals.
Business Transactions
We have significant experience in addressing state and local tax issues that arise in the course of business transactions. We assist clients with due diligence reviews and in structuring transactions to minimize state and local tax expense.